Friday, March 11, 2011

When Borland has become the past: once dedicated to Borland

1, when Borland thing of the past

Borland said the Lao side even Zhanzhao seat category, but for a long time no talk Borland, think also. However, Borland now what to talk about it?

Yesterday saw high on fat, the latest on the Borland IDE - DeXter a DemoVideo, Linghu 8, an article on Borland's stuff. For Borland the company, our view is similar.

Borland has changed. Is no longer before the high-spirited wanderers knight, but a brain large intestine where fat Fugu; his own, not those filled with Aura's development tools, but the coins are covered with taste of enterprise solutions.

Borland, not that I had known that Borland had.

But as a commercial company, profit is more important than the technical ideal. When the development tool to bring more profit is low, under pressure from shareholders, we need a new profit growth point Caixing.

Before 2078, Borland development tools, the first attempt from the field of enterprise applications, the company even had a name for this change Inprise. Results Anders left, Borland himself to play almost dead.

Before 2012, Borland began to enterprise solutions, but this time for the software development company comes in without too much deviation. But the result is Black.Stone, Chuck.Jazdzewski and others left.

To the contrary, Borland every brilliant, closely linked with the development tools.

Established 83 years, is relied on Anders's famous for: Turbo Pascal 1.0. After the DOS era, almost all of Borland's development tools world: Turbo Pascal, Turbo C, Turbo C + + ... ...

Windows 3.x era, is Borland's Borland C + + came out to save the majority of developers. Then after that is Delphi.

But these are already past the (Please refer to Levi's own "Borland Legend," a book).

The question is now how out?

Since the. Net came out, Borland on confused. The first is flat Kylix, Borland intends to join the Linux camp, coupled with the leadership of the Group's attempt also failed, had to exit the Linux platform development tools in the field. Then the MS spread news that Win32 should all go. Net under, Borland has rush released for. Net's C # Builder and Delphi 8, the result is defeat. Want to engage in a platform-independent C + + BuilderX, the same or failed.

When the C + + BuilderX out, I wrote a "C + + BuilderX Problems and Prospects", was out front in Delphi 2005, I wrote an article entitled "Legend DELPHI9 - DiamondBack". But now what is there to write it?

This DeXter looks better: still the one called Galileo the IDE, maybe it would be BDS4, or. Net platform to run, than Delphi 2005 adds native support for C + + is basically the equivalent of the C + + Builder 6 integrated into Delphi 2005 years. Nothing more.

Of course, not to say there is no increase in the area, at least in Delphi 2005 as the reconstruction of the increase, unit testing, enhanced debugging capabilities ... ... These are the C + + Builder 6 does not have. Not to mention that in these areas can do in DeXter what extent are still unknown, let alone in those heavyweight in enhancements like ECOII and Together they should be unobtainable. The key is:

A do native C + + application development, and why the need to rely on. Net?

C + + BuilderX with the IDE - PrimeTime - people very uncomfortable reliance on JAVA has had. VS to do large and has its base platform, Borland does not own the platform, the. Net is not next opponent. Might as well give up the Galileo of the IDE, the, Together, ECOII order for manner and concentrate to do the right thing. As for the original application, on the road continue to go native, do not keep thinking what to get a native platform, no matter. Net or JAVA.

Borland indiscreet criticisms of the careless again, or go back and do it my ABAP. . Net or JAVA with occasional relationship?

Perhaps many years later, when someone mentioned Borland, I still think about those past events have occurred in it.

BTW: According to Cai Cai replied DeXter is based on the Eclipse of the CDE, if this is the case, it is not bad. But I doubt Borland would be really determined and PrimeTime Galileo abandoned the two IDE, and turned to Eclipse. Borland, after all, not IBM.

2, dedicated to former Borland

Do not remember how long it does not talk about and care about Borland has.姣忓ぉ涔犳儻鎬х殑杈撳叆鈥渂orland.mblogger.cn鈥濈殑鏃跺?锛屽眳鐒朵篃寰堝皯鑱旀兂鍒拌繖涓浘缁忓績鐩腑鏈?簡涓嶈捣鐨勫叕鍙搞?


銆??娉ㄥ唽浜咮orland鏉垮潡鐨凚log浠ユ潵锛屾垜鍑犱箮娌℃湁鍐欒繃涓?瘒璺焍orland鏈夊叧鐨刡log锛屽績閲屼笉鍏嶆槸鏈変簺鎰х枤鐨勶紝浠婂ぉ锛屽?鐫?繖涓満浼氾紝璁╂垜灏忓皬鐨勫讥琛ヤ竴涓嬪惂銆?br />

銆??Turbo C 2.0銆乀urbo Pascal 7.0銆丅orland C++ 3.1锛岃繖浜涙様鏃ョ殑缁忓吀浣滃搧锛屾浘缁忚澶氬皯浜哄簾瀵濆繕椋燂紝浠庢璧颁笂缂栫▼涔嬭矾銆?br />
銆??Delphi銆丣Builder銆丆++ Builder锛岃繖浜涢噸閲忕骇鐨勪骇鍝侊紝鍙堟浘缁忚澶氬皯浜哄閲婇噸璐燂紝灏嗘灟鐕ヤ箯鍛崇殑Windows寮?彂鍙樻垚杞绘澗鐨勪韩鍙椼?

銆??灏辫繛閭d簺澶辫触鐨勪骇鍝侊紝涔熷彲鍦堝彲鐐广?姣斿Kylix锛岄櫓浜涘氨鏀瑰彉浜哃inux涓嬪簲鐢ㄧ▼搴忕殑寮?彂鏂瑰紡锛涙瘮濡侰++Builder X锛屾彁鍑虹殑寰堝姒傚康璁╀汉鑰崇洰涓?柊銆?br />

銆??寰蒋鐨?NET瀹d紶绐佺劧闂撮摵澶╃洊鍦帮紝鏉ュ娍姹规惫锛屼负鎴戜滑钀ラ?浜嗕竴涓?.NET everywhere鈥濈殑涓栫晫銆傛瘮璧峰叾鍓嶈緢Java鐨勨?write once, run everywhere鈥濇湁杩囦箣鑰屾棤涓嶅強銆傚湪濡傛寮哄ぇ鐨勫浼犳敾鍔夸笅锛屾湁鍑犱釜浜鸿兘澶熶繚鎸佹竻閱掔殑澶磋剳鍛紵


銆??浜庢槸锛孋# Builder鏉ヤ簡锛孌elphi.NET 涔熸潵浜嗐?

銆??浣嗘槸.NET鍜學indows API涓嶄竴鏍枫?Windows API鏄痜lat function鐨勫舰寮忥紝瀵逛簬OOP骞朵笉鍗佸垎鍙嬪ソ锛岀敋鑷虫湁浜涚悊蹇碉紙濡傚洖璋冨嚱鏁帮級杩樻湁鐩稿啿绐佷箣澶勶紝鍥犳锛孷CL灏嗗叾灏佽鎴怬O鐨勫舰寮忥紝鏄崄鍒嗘湁鍒╀簬蹇?寮?彂鐨勶紱鑰?NET浠庝竴璇炵敓璧峰氨鑰冭檻鍒颁簡缁勪欢鍖栧拰鍙鍖栫殑闂锛屽洜姝わ紝浣跨敤VCL灏嗗叾鍐嶆灏佽锛屼笉浠呮病鏈変粈涔堝ソ澶勶紝鍙嶈?璁╀汉浜х敓浜嗕娇鐢ㄤ笂鐨勪笉涔犳儻銆?br />
銆??鍐嶅姞涓婂浠?NET骞舵病鏈夊井杞綋鍒濆浼犵殑閭f牱娴佽锛孊orland鐨勮繋鍚堜妇鍔紝鍙嶈?璁╄嚜宸遍櫡鍏ヤ簡涓?釜灏村艾澧冨湴銆?br />
銆??鍦?NET瀹d紶濡傛棩涓ぉ鐨勬椂鍊欙紝C++ Builder鍧氭寔璧版湰鍦板寲寮?彂鐨勮矾锛屾?绠楁槸Borland鐨勪竴娆℃槑鏅轰妇鍔紝鍚﹀垯锛屽浠婄殑BCB涓?畾浼氬儚managed C++閭f牱娑堝け鐨勬棤褰辨棤韪紙鍥犱负Borland涓嶅彲鑳芥暍鍍忓井杞偅鏍峰ぇ鍒?様鏂х殑鏀瑰姩C++鏈韩锛夈?浣嗘槸锛岄偅涓鍚屾祴璇曠増涓?牱鐨凚CBX瀹炲湪鏄激浜嗗ぇ瀹剁殑蹇冿紝BCB涔熷洜姝ら櫓浜涗粠Borland鐨勫紑鍙戣鍒掍腑娑堝け銆傜湡鏄彲鎮插彲鍙广?



銆??Borland鐨勭綉绔欎篃鏀圭増浜嗭紝閬靛惊浜哫HTML鏍囧噯锛屾澘鍧楀尯鍒嗕篃娓呮櫚浜嗐?浣嗘槸锛屼互鍓嶉暱闀夸竴涓茬殑products鍚嶅崟锛岀幇鍦ㄥ彉鎴愪簡瀵ュ3椤癸細Application LifeCycle銆両DE銆丄pplication Middleware銆?br />
銆??Borland宸茬粡鍙樹簡銆備笉鍐嶆槸浠ュ墠閭d釜鎰忔皵椋庡彂鐨勬睙婀栦緺瀹紝鑰屾槸涓?釜鑴戝ぇ鑲犺偉鐨勫湴鏂瑰瘜璐撅紱浠栨嫢鏈夌殑锛屼笉鍐嶆槸閭d簺鍏呮弧鐏垫皵鐨勫紑鍙戝伐鍏凤紝鑰屾槸閭d簺娌炬弧閾滈挶鍛崇殑浼佷笟瑙e喅鏂规銆?br />


銆??閭i兘鏄緢濂藉緢濂界殑锛屽彲鏄垜鍋忎笉鍠滄銆?br />
銆??灏辫浠庡墠鐨勯偅涓狟orland锛屼即闅忕潃浠栫殑缁忓吀浣滃搧锛屼竴璧峰皝瀛樺湪鎴戠殑璁板繂涓惂銆?br />

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

COREL KNOCKOUT Guide (1): Interface description

This tutorial is divided into five classes, through this tutorial, you can learn how to use the skill unparalleled mask tool COREL KNOCKOUT1.5, to have details of the edge (such as feathers, animal fur, shadows, hair, smoke, transparent body, etc.) prospects objects from the background of "pull" out and applied to another specific background image. preferably in order to learn this tutorial, because the former contents of the article later in the application of considerable, especially in the first lesson is COREL KNOCKOUT basis, including its most basic operation skills and principles, such as the drawing constituency, constituency editing, processing images, save the project and the output has been "KNOCKOUT" image.

1. Menu:
Menu: Command and Function: shortcut keys:
1.FILE (file) menu:
Open the image file CTRL + O
Close the current window CTRL + W
CTRL + S Save the current project
Save a copy of the current project CTRL + SHIFT + S
Output current image (and output alpha channel.) CTRL + E
Open the file list before
ALT + F4 exit
2.EDIT (Edit) menu:
CTRL + Z to cancel the operation
CTRL + Y to restore canceled
Processing images (Matting) CTRL + P
3.VIEW (view) menu:
CTRL +1 to view original image
View the processed image CTRL +2
View Alpha channel CTRL +3
Hide / Show All CTRL + N
Hide / Show objects within the constituency F5
Hide / Show objects external constituencies F6
Hide / Show shadow internal constituency F7
Hide / Show shadow external constituencies F8
Hide / Show constituency within the syringe F9
Hide / Show external syringe constituency F10
Hide / Show the edge feathering constituency F11
Hide / Show shadow emergence constituency F12

Menu: Command and Function: shortcut keys:
4.SELECTION (constituency) menu:
Cancel the current line CTRL + D GC
Select All CTRL + A Images
AUTO ...:
Automatic constituency lines. Under different circumstances in different constituencies of automatic drawing lines
Expand the electoral boundaries ALT +]
Contraction electoral boundaries ALT + [
5.WINDOW (window) menu:
Hide / Show Toolbox
Hide / Show Information Bar
Hide / Show color panel foil
Hide / Show status panel constituency Line
Zoom Tool F2
Reduce tool F3
Window matching F4
ZOOM 100%:
Original size of the displayed image
Waterfall display multiple windows
Array-type display multiple windows
Open the file list, check mark indicates that the current file
6.HELP (Help) menu: (abbreviated)
2. Toolkit:
Tool Name: Function:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1. Within the constituency electoral tool for drawing lines within the object
2. External constituencies tool for drawing electoral lines outside the object
3. The shadow of the shadow of an internal tool for drawing lines within the constituency
4. The shadow of the shadow of an external tool for drawing lines external constituencies
5. Within the syringe tool within the constituency of the color object
6. External syringe tool complementary color for the object external constituencies
7. Within the syringe within the constituency of the color palette selected color color
8. External syringe external constituency of the color palette selected color color
9. Eclosion eclosion object edge tool edge defects
10. Eclosion eclosion object shadow shadow tool defect
11. Hand tools for smooth moving images
12. Zoom tool to enlarge image view
13. The complexity of the transition zone select the complexity of the transition zone
14. Processing (matting) tools to pull the prospect of an object taken
3. Constituencies line state panel:
1. Hide / Show objects within the constituency lines
2. Hide / Show objects external constituencies line
3. Hide / Show shadow lines within the constituency
4. Hide / Show shadow lines external constituencies
5. Hidden. Display points within the syringe hits
6. Hidden. Display external syringe hits points
7. Hide / show hits the edge point of emergence
8. Hide / Show shadow emergence click point
4. Set off the color and background image panel:
1. Background foil color options
2. More background foil color options
3. Select, enter the background image

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As online shopping is more and more accepted by Chinese people, China's B2C (Business to Consumer) transactions linear upward trend. VISA has recently done in the region to a survey, e-commerce in the region of rapid development momentum. This year China's trade volume in B2C is expected to reach 11.1 billion U.S. dollars, an increase next year to 169 billion U.S. dollars, up to 2011 will be 24.1 billion.

VISA, director of innovative products in China, said Li Juan, now, Asia is the world's largest regional Internet users, with 650 million. China and India emerging market, because the original low base, the development will be very fast. Chinese e-commerce sales in these countries the proportion of the total, will grow 4.1% in 2006 to 10.6% in 2011.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

ping command usage

Authentication with the remote computer. This command is only installed TCP / IP protocol before they can use.

ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l length] [-f] [-i ttl] [-v tos] [-r count] [-s count] [[-j computer-list ] | [-k computer-list]] [-w timeout] destination-list



Ping the computer until the specified interrupt.


To address resolution for the computer name.

Send count the specified number of ECHO packets. The default value is 4.

-L length

Send a specified amount of data by the length of ECHO packets. The default is 32 bytes; the maximum is 65,527.


Packet sent in the "do not fragment" flag. Packets will not be routed on the Gateway section.

-I ttl

The "survival time" field is set to the value specified by ttl.

-V tos

The "service type" field set to the value specified by tos.

-R count

In the "record route" field recording outgoing and return data packet routing. count at least one station can specify a maximum of 9 computer.

-S count

Specified count metric specified timestamp.

-J computer-list

Using computer-list specifies a list of computers to route packets. Continuous computer can be separated by intermediate gateways (sparse source routing) IP to allow the maximum number is 9.

-K computer-list

Using computer-list specifies a list of computers to route packets. Continuous computer can not be separated by intermediate gateways (Strict Source Routing) IP to allow the maximum number is 9.

-W timeout

Specified timeout interval, in milliseconds.


Specifies the remote computer ping

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Non-fiction list: set list "fashion" and "elegant"

The largest book market in 2006 list "'to study life-changing' Dangdang of the most influential annual book named" astonishing debut. The high gold content - all public voted to win the support of nearly a million readers in the domestic book market, which was a very unique beautiful scenery, and a textbook of many book lovers vane. The most popular book readers surfaced, non-fiction book list situation transform the competitive scene, it reflects the tendency of readers to read and taste changes, there is a great reference value for the market, called the largest list of domestic book market .

"Elegant": a monk from the Scriptures

Impressively out on top of non-fiction is the French fashion industry leading authority Andong Li Dealiao Mrs. classic "elegant", from the list results, "elegant" by such as a dark horse, battle through ranks, as if an alien posture will be chanting monks, surrounded by the vast number of Chinese readers, the final by a narrow margin win over the hot-selling fiction books, crowned Top10 top, of course, be non-fiction books list the first, "elegant," called the French fashion leading authority Andong Li Deeliao Mrs. classic since its introduction, best-selling Europe and the United States, on the stroke of her beautiful, wonderful and detailed proposals put forward. From the everyday to the small zipper accessories, Dealiao wife for all fashion problems Meaningful comments made concisely.

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First of all, that culture books, with the Beijing TV "Dream Man" large pick to the event, "Red House Literature" revival climax coming, cultural essays books "called A Reveal" Red, "" hot again The book is called A well-known Mr. CCTV-10 100 Dream forum talks in a written assembled, he started from the Twelve Beauties of Jinling in the qing and careful verification of the prototype of the book of life of all people, recovery of the "red Building Dreams "era of the birth of style, won the first human Essay category list. A nation, it is that ancient immortal soul, to all forms of expression in the endless time and space, one of the most important form, is reflected in their mother tongue to write a classic text. As Shakespeare and theater in Britain, Cao Xueqin and "Dream of Red Mansions" is part of the Chinese nation immortal soul. How to help it carry forward will be the external factors put a heavy task before us, television is undoubtedly popular culture to the revival of traditional Chinese literature played a positive stimulant to make such classics as the Red House to the waves in overcoming all obstacles, shine, good news.

In addition, the national history books, the Yi Zhongtian, Professor of the "Three Kingdoms" is still the list, he chaos to the Qin and Han dynasties; from the Three Kingdoms to return to unity of official history records, unofficial legend, drama presentation, Romance novels; different times Commentary different; different works of different descriptions; non-true and false opinion; success or failure suspicions; Xiamen University President, Professor Yi Zhongtian civilians standing position, through the modern perspective, the use of three-dimensional structure; to story characters to historical figures that to history that culture to culture that life; one of the words of the Three Kingdoms. In the course of the book publicity, television and online media for the attention of Chinese history and culture also played an indelible role, as "the Ming Dynasty that thing," spread rapidly through the network, wide concern. The security means, such as the "if only as shown signs of life" after experiencing a plagiarism controversy, returned to the limelight from the underestimation of the wave, a major media hype of the popular shows to boost local book an occasion to martial artists.

Other list: Eight Immortals, the fancy takes

Intimate sister Erikson's "Tell your child, you're list! "Stood out single broke into the Top50, and access to family education, list the first author with a long period of extensive and close contact with children, able to respect children, while educating and guiding children. Her book to the many important points, a large number of successful experiences and failures, for contemporary parents are extremely useful. This is also the book had the overwhelming support of parents, the reasons for the reader.

Has been inspirational entrepreneurs who loved books, competition is fierce, and finally, "How to control your own time and life" to a clear advantage was the first such book, author Alan La Professor Jin, the United States "time Management of the Father ", he pioneered the method of time management, after the Stephen Covey (" Seven Habits of capable and efficient, "the author) inherit and carry forward. Time management book is the most outstanding classical works, the main content has been in the "Reader's Digest", "New York" magazine and "Metropolis" magazine.

Beautiful list, with a "beautiful code" to the reader about the pursuit of beautiful images of women necessary to correct knowledge, not just the attention to certain aspects of the United States, but to achieve harmony in all aspects, the formation of the natural harmony of the United States. Kim Eun-joo of the color of personal color consultant, color psychology expert, as many South Korean politicians and CEO's professional image consultant, set up in the CBS broadcast of "working people the image of the design" column.

To be such as "Dream of Red Mansions" as the real long-term eye books attract readers, it needs great efforts on the content of the book, otherwise, short-eye culture will always be only a moment. Dangdang held this selection not only fully cover the range of readers reading reflects the tendency of readers to read the change and adhere to, and, for the Chinese classical literature and modern literature the degree of integration also made the depth of interpretation and expression, but also purchase of books for readers to choose the direction of providing a good guide, called the book market in the Bangzhong Bang.

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